Jessica Castro jumped to fame with the show: Married at First Sight. Since then she’s jumped more on social media and has become quite an admirable advocate for empowerment, self-love, and domestic abuse.
We interview Jessica about motherhood, social media, and parenting during Covid.
MS) The mystery of reality TV has started to crumble. More people are aware of how much production went into it. Do you think the reality TV as we have known it is gone?
JC) I think that some people have come to the conclusion that reality TV isn’t reality. But then you have those that continue to watch for the entertainment of it all. For a show like Married At First Sight, I have been told by fans that they no longer watch because production creates too much drama. But here we are now on season 10 (I think) and the show is still airing.
MS) Has social media gone too far? As a parent I wonder has it reached a point in society that’s too far? Or is this just the current iteration of social media?
JC) I absolutely think social media has gone too far! There are things on social media that I’m afraid for my nieces to see/come across.
Now there are things that social media are good for, marketing, connecting with businesses, staying in touch with family members. But then, like everything else, you have the negative and the bullies.
MS) As a big social media advocate, what do you suggest parents do to keep their kids safe?
JC) I personally feel parents need to use full access to what some of these phones offer such as limiting their social media use, having social media apps blocked after a certain time. Not allowing them to use social media and or even video games, alone. I have heard those have become out of control as well.
MS) A lot of new moms will say before they become a mom to after, quite a few of their views have changed. How do you think you’ll change as a new mom?
JC) I feel as a new mom there’s going to be so much to be aware of especially with the world changing so much, both negative and positive. I know for sure I will be very protective!
MS) Are you worried about being a new mom during the time of Covid?
JC) I would be lying if I said I wasn’t worried. Of course, I am. I’m a worrier by nature so with Covid it’s absolutely heightened. Day by day this world is changing and we just don’t know where we will be in the next two years! All we can do as a family is continue to stay smart and protected for our future baby boy.
Jessica started her career in the entertainment industry at the young age of 17 where she competed for the crown of Miss Virginia. Competing in the competition gave Jessica the drive and determination to pursue a career in modeling and acting. After the competition, Jessica moved on to model for designers, walk the runway for fashion shows, appear in magazines such as Latina Magazine, and take on some commercial and Public Service Announcement roles for television.