Who took one look out the window today and decided today is it for getting much work done outside? This girl is totally in! The garden needs tending, the furniture needs wiping down and someone needs to clean up all these yard toys. But I will say…sometimes the morning coffee doesn’t cut it for me. So many friends I know try those energy drinks in the can but they worry me. What is in them exactly?! So today, I decided to try out an all natural shot of liquid energy called Go Big. This is energy coming straight to you from the guarana seed which is a plant used by Amazonian warriors for centuries for energy and focus. How cool is that! These also give you a boost on the wellness side too which during this pandemic from hell I know everyone can use. Superfruits and botanicals give you that extra shield of protection we all need right now!
Onto the flavors: i tried both Acai Blueberry and Blood Orange Ginger so far and they are simply yummy. These are legit just water, fruit juice, guarana seed extract and other natural flavors. And they actually work. I feel refreshed, awake, alert, focused and ready to handle what comes my way. I do recommend starting with half the bottle the first time so you can gauge what your body may need. If you want to compare Go Big to other energy drinks out there I can tell you this product always has more caffeine but 1/16th of the calories and only 5g of sugar from the fruit. That drink in a can you’ve been depending on has 4 times that in grams of sugar. The cost is about $4 a bottle and you can get a variety case or just your fave flavor. If you subscribe to get an auto shipment you save about 7 bucks! Go Big does the trick, is all natural and my new go-to! Check them out!