Summer Is Not Over…I Won’t Let It!

I know school has started…and it is getting a little cooler out but we still get ourselves outdoors and take advantage of whatever sun and heat is left out there.  My kids and I actually wear sunblock all year – you can never be too careful.  I have a couple of shout outs to a few of my favorite products from this summer that will stick with me all year!

BullFrog Qwik Gel: one of my least favorite things about sunblock is the greasy aftermath.  It takes forever to get off your hands/clothes/etc.  Enter BullFrog’s fantastic “quik gel” product which is alcohol based and completely grease/oil free.  You are getting the same expert UVA/UVB protection but without the heavy left over’s.  This goes on easily and drys quickly.  This product will cost you around $6; also offered is this great solid stick option that is totally TSA friendly for travel!

How about yummy smelling products from Ocean Potion?  This line of products contain an array of vitamins, minerals and extracts.  Their SPF 30 product smells uniquely like a creamsicle and you will seriously never use another product.  Just a great quality product with a great smell.  Choices include tubes of 15-30 SPF, a spray option and I am sure more.

Two awesome products but when you come down to it – we needed them ahead of the time!

GNITE and thank you so much to all thus far.  Think vacations, weekends away and everyday maintenance.  Amazing quality!



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