Top Mompreneurs List

Julie Cole

Julie Cole shelved her career as a lawyer to monitor her son’s autism. Noticing his stuff always got mixed up with other kids’ belongings, she was inspired to create a business based on cute, waterproof labels. Today, Mabel’s Labels is an award-winning, celebrity-endorsed market leader, and Julie is a prominent blogger known as “The Mama of Many” (, PTPA Media, Yummy Mummy Club, Mabelhood; also Twitter @juliecole) and Mabel’s Labels has earned “The Idea That Made Millions” ($4M in 2009), and top honors like 2007 SavvyMom “Mompreneur of the Year”; “Best Product” from Baby Gizmo, iParenting and PTPA Media; and a 2009 Royal Bank of Canada Woman Entrepreneur Award.

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