If your child loves “Beanie Boo’s” as much as mine does, a perfect addition to his/her holiday gift pile should be “ty Beanie Boo’s Friends Game”. This game is age appropriate for 3 and up; while it would be great for your home, teachers could also consider making it part of their classroom collection as well. To start, “Peanut” the elephant beanie boo has lost his beanie boo friends. Players go around the board and collect their shapes in an effort to complete their board. In essence, the shapes you are collecting are “Peanuts” friends; this is a fantastic way to cover shape recognition as well as color recognition with your child while having a great time! The game is super easy to set up as well as put away. I even used the clean up process as a way to review the concepts one more time; “put all the red cards together”, “all the circles together”, etc. Please consider purchasing the game this holiday season by visiting amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Beanie-Boos-Friends-Board-Game/dp/B00Z0P6R2A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1448121673&sr=8-1&keywords=Beanie+Boo%27s+Friends+Game or visit Tactic Games for additional product information: http://www.tactic.net/product.php?lang=US&Product_number=53285&category=1&k1=1&k2=&k3=&k4=.