Ugly Snuglies

“Ugly Snuglies” are a great gift for the holidays; they are actually so ugly they are cute.  Each one of these extra-large stuffed animals contain a hidden surprise in side! I was recently asked to check out “unusual unicorn” who is super soft and a bright pink in color.  My daughter immediately took a liking to it and it is the new favorite bed time pal in our house.   Inside the unicorn is a built-in alarm clock so we will never be late!  Really easy to set up and my child was thrilled!  Other options include “rowdy rabbit” which contains a built-in radio, “porky panda” with hidden blanket inside, “krazy kitty” features a light in its tail, “bizarre bear” features 5 hidden pockets to store your treasures, “maniac monkey” has a built-in backpack and “pouty pig” has its very own piggy bank inside.  Each one of these is unique and quite honestly I love the life lesson they are teaching: “it is what is inside you that really counts” and that each one of us has our own personality.  They are priced rather reasonably at around $25 making them a great holiday gift.

They can be purchased through amazon:

[amazon_link asins=’B01757MJ3G’ template=’ProductAd’ store=’famadillo-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’2cb88757-1259-11e8-9b81-036ce505e3a6′]


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