Great Ideas To Spend Your Christmas Bonus On!

I know we are all winding down on shopping/spending/cooking/baking but here comes my personal favorite time of all – the days after the holidays when we can spend the bonuses we got this year!  I love to pamper myself – and here are some cool items I will be dropping some coin on in the next few days.  I’m going to post a bunch of great items each day for the next few days.  Today, my theme is all hair and wellness oriented.

Number 4 Hair Products:  This company is tried and true.  I’ve been sort of addicted for years now.  The company offers some really need gift sets (a great way to grab a last minute “oops I forgot you” gift or try out a product or two on your hair).  My fave is their Gratitude Set ($20) – this contains the yummy hydrating shampoo, conditioner and a cute little wet brush.  Other gift sets range in price from $20-50 and contain all things perfect for the man or woman in your life.  As I’ve said before, this Company is quality hydrating/volumizing/styling products free from gluten, sulfates and parabens.

Knot Genie:  Do you have a kid whose hair always seems to be knotty and tangled?!  Well I do and it is exhausting.  I’ve tried pretty much everything; conditioners, combing while in shower, distraction during brushing (LOL) and just nothing works.  I’m super excited to spend some money on Knot Genie.  For about $20.00 you can get yourself this cool “fits in the palm of your hand” brush that have these magic bristles that hair seems to just slip through.  No more tears I tell ya.  And the coolest part is that your little one’s hair will be shinier since no more stress.  Oh, and the magic hair band is a must – this hair tie does NOT pull the hair in any way.  Think kids, half way through the work day, etc.

Nasopure:  Winter is here and full blown.  Along with that also comes colds/germs/congestion etc.  I feel like my entire office is sneezing and coughing all day long.  I spend at least 20 minutes a day disinfecting every surface I can get my hands on.  Of course, sometimes these germs fight their way through and we need a good home remedy to make ourselves feel better.  Enter Nasopure and your family can be on their way to feeling better.  This is a nasal (saline wash) system that can remove 80% of allergens, reduces symptoms and and promotes healing.  It is super easy to use and much less messy and gross than the neti pot.  The cost is about $20.00 but if you suffer from allergies like I do you can actually join their Breathe Happy Club and get a shipment every few months.

Please stay tuned tomorrow!  I have a few more products to tell you about and help you spend your money on!

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