Romagna Ready 2 Go Restaurant Review


Chef and owner Lorenzo Lenny Lorenzi brings the authentic taste and feel of Italy, specifically the Emilia-Romagna region, to Bleecker Street in New York with his restaurant Romagna Ready 2 Go.

As an Italian American, I was surprised to find that there was an Italian food I had not yet tried, piadina.

What is piadina you may ask? It is an Italian flatbread, which is a specialty of Romagna, made from scratch and filled with fresh, simple ingredients. I tried the Verona which includes fresh mozzarella, prosciutto, spinach and tomato, but there are over twenty different variations to choose from.

I enjoyed this piadina sitting in a cute, rustic garden that makes you feel like you stepped far out of Greenwich Village into an Italian getaway. I suggest trying a sweet, sparkling glass of Lambrusco wine that is also native to the Romagna region to accompany your visit to the garden.

The menu also includes cheese and meat plates and list of pasta dishes. Their pasta is also freshly made and comes in gluten free options. The lasagna is classic, filled with a hearty meat sauce. For those who love mushrooms, the panzerotti al porcino is an excellent choice.

As if that weren’t enough, you can also choose from meat and seafood entrees and sides. I tried the spiedini di gamberi or shish kabobs of shrimp, which are lightly breaded, grilled and flavorful.

For dessert, the Nutella ravioli are a sweet choice, made with the same dough as the piadini.

The service was excellent, prompt, pleasant and helpful to offer recommendations.

Romagna Ready 2 Go with its delicious food and atmosphere is a great choice to catch up with friends, have a romantic date, or enjoy brunch with your family.


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