Wee Blessing Saves Time and Money for Kids’ Clothes Shopping

Whether you are a working mom or a stay at home mom, the thought of taking your kids clothes shopping can be daunting and can induce anxiety.  Even when you do survive a trip successfully, how many times have you then seen the exact outfits you purchased go on sale the week after you bought it?  Personal styling and shopping is no longer just for the rich and famous thanks to a family owned company, Wee Blessing.  Started by a working mom who understood the pain of trying to balance everything, Wee Blessing is an affordable and fun way to clothe your kids (and the whole family!) from the comfort of your couch, and at your leisure.  There motto is “Because Time is Precious”, showing that they want you to enjoy every moment with your family.

Wee Blessing offers the opportunity to create a “style profile” on their website, https://weeblessing.com/.

After you answer the questions about your kids, partner, or even yourself, Wee Blessing stylists then use that to pick out 3-4 outfits specially tailored just for you.  What I loved is that they guarantee that each outfit is 40-60% off retail, and each personalized package has an itemized list showing you just how much you saved.  If you don’t like all the outfits, that’s okay, because you have 10 days from receipt of the package to send any back in the included pre-paid envelope.  If you keep the whole “blessing”, you get an extra 10% off the total!  Your card is not charged until those 10 days for returns pass.  I liked that they have different options for how frequently you get you blessings- once a month, every other month, quarterly, every 6 months, or a one time blessing.  This makes it easy to sign up not only for your own family, but gift a blessing to friends and family for special occasions.

The stylists at Wee Blessing also make sure to check weather in your area to match what you might need, not just basing it on what season you are in.  There is a refer a friend credit, and with the brands they choose from, your friends will definitely want in on your secret!  Brands that Wee Blessing choose from include: Disney, Children’s Place, Nike, GAP Kids, Carter’s, Old Navy, Justice, and more.

My daughter loved that she got a special package delivered in her name!  Opening the package she kept gasping in surprise and excitement that these were “her new clothes!”  She could not wait to try them on and do a little fashion show to show them off to everyone.  The outfits chosen just for her by the stylists hit all her favorites and I could not have done a better job myself.







To have the quality time to relax and not stress about an extra shopping trip was nice, and in my opinion well worth the $8 shipping charge.  To see my daughter’s face and delight over her new blessings brightened up my day.  Wee Blessing is a wonderful alternative for any family, and because it can fit any budget, makes it a blessing for all.  The company name is Wee Blessing, but to us, the blessings delivered were huge!

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