Eating healthy can be a challenge in itself. We’ve worked on entire lists for it like our Top Healthy Snacks List. Here we compiled some of our favorite vegan snacks. If you’re a vegan looking for some new snack ideas, maybe you’ll find this list inspiring.
Jack and Friends Jerky
Jack and Friends has a unique take on vegan jerky. It definitely doesn’t taste like any type of jerky I’ve had, but it is a unique taste. It has a bit more fiber and I love that it gives me another alternative for jerky. You’ll see the Tomato and Poblano, the Ginger Teriyaki, and the Sweet Barbeque, but the Sweet Barbeque was by far my favorite.
Ocean Spray Fruit Medley
Ocean Spray just released their Fruit Medley which comes in such healthy blends as Fiber, Immunity, and Probiotic. We all love dried fruits as a snack, but this takes it to another level with a bit of a mission for the snack. Do you need more fiber? No problem. They’re of course tasty snacks, but I love the digestive health element here too!
Pop Bitties
Pop Bitties are 100% whole grains and are quite delicious. For a healthy eating snack, they’re an amazing choice as they just have such a wonderful taste and are also so healthy. They, of course, are NON-GMO, vegan, and well, everything good. If you’re addicted to potato chips like I am, these are a great alternative.
Snacklins were originally made as a vegan variety to pork rinds, but now they’re their own thing. They are made up of yuca, mushrooms, and onions, and taste amazing. They have all the flavor but without the “weight” of other snacks. I mean, the entire bag is 90 calories, but on top of it, it’s so light and airy. It gives you that feeling of snacking but without the calories.
I love dried fruit and I love Mexican spices. Chuza makes spicy fruit treats using Mexican spices. Clearly, this combo is basically two wonderful things crashing together. If for no other reason, get these for the Spicy Strawberry. I can guarantee you’ve never had a flavor like this and now that you have, you’ll want more. The others are amazing too of course, with their mix of Mexican spices that I feel I’ve not tasted since I’ve visited Mexico.
Petit Pot makes the cutest little desserts (and they even have plant-based options) that are delicious. In a cute little jar, they have rice pudding, oat milk chocolate, and more. It’s a quick and easy dessert and a quick and healthy choice. I love the fact that these are so much healthier than most of the gourmet desserts that my kids have had, but now I don’t want to share them with the kids.

Pure Flavor has probably the most Vegan Snack you can find… it is literally vegetables. Packages of pure and simple vegetables. I love the fact that each is arranged nicely and they’re a perfect fit for grabbing on the go. You can pick them up at your supermarket before a run and you can’t get any healthier then this!

Toodaloo makes a wonderful sprouted nuts. What I love about this is that they have some great mixes. Smoke Show, Maple Mix, Rich Cacao are some great mixes but the Rich Cacao was by far my favorite. Plus, in addition, they mix with some awesome chewy super-fruits. That combo of nuts and super fruit is really a wonderful combo. In addition, Toodaloo converts polluted farmland to contribute back to the environment.